How to Draw a Signature Line in Word: Top Recommendations

Signature is the final step we perform while working with documents. It does not only represent us; it keeps the key to our identity and makes the document legal. If you are looking for how to draw a signature line in word, you may need to personalize your letters or make an agreement between two parties legal.
A work table with a tablet, keyboard and notebook and a hand creating a line

5 Easiest Ways for Adding a Signature Line in Word

If you need to receive signatures from several people on your document, you may face a dilemma. Those who prefer handwritten signatures think they need only to learn how to make a line in word for signature and send the same document from one person to another. Usually, it is a time-wasting option. Another way is to receive a digital certificate from a Certified Authority and let others use the e-signature. It is a time-consuming process, too.

There is another option that may save you. Ask your signatories who don’t have valid digital certificates to use MS Office and sign documents either digitally or manually via the signature line. There are 5 different ways for making a signature line in word. Based on your specific case, you can choose one of them. Here is a detailed guide to each of them.

  1. Insert Word’s Signature Line

You can add the already formatted signature online in Word. It is the easiest method that provides you with the same results. This option helps you not only to insert signature lines in word but to customize them according to your needs. You will be able to choose the length of line and locate it in the area of your choice. Here is how to insert a signature line in word:

  • Open Word and put the mouse in your document;
  • Press the Insert tab in the document;
  • Press the button Add a Signature Line below the ribbon of the text group and choose Microsoft Office Signature Line;
  • You will see the dialog box there. You can type the name of the signatory in the line. In the second line place the title;
  • Once the signature line is created, you may click OK. The line will appear at the place of your cursor.
Adding a Signature Line in Word
Now you have learned the first way of how to make a signature line in Word. If you need this line to be blank, you have to leave the lines untouched. Later the information can be printed or handwritten. It is up to you whether you want to add the title and a name, or just a name. There may be a position of the person. The line will include X letter where the signer places the signature.

You don’t need to send this document via email or ask the other party of adding a signature line in word. Instead, you can do it by yourself and print the document. It may be signed in pen and paper the old-fashioned way. Yet, if your peers have Adobe Acrobat or Word, they can easily exchange files with you. If you want to add a digital signature there, you can use PDFLiner or Create eSignatures apps.

2. Draw a Horizontal Line

There is a specific tool that makes horizontal lines in Word files. It helps to leave the empty line for adding the signature later, no matter whether it is hand-written or electronic. Follow these steps to learn how to add signature lines in word using the tool:
  • Go to the Word document and open it. Press the mouse cursor in the area for the future signature line;
  • Press the Home tab;
  • Press the arrow in the Paragraph group, which you see in the corners of borders specific icon;
  • Pick Horizontal Line for all the options that appear in front of you;
  • You will see the long line in the document;
  • Double click this line, and you will see the dialog box. You may pick the proper placement for it, length, and even color of the line;
  • Press OK to finalize the process.
Adding a Horizontal Line in Word
It works for cases when you need a wet signature. If the signer is unfamiliar with drawing a signature in Word, you can use this method. Yet, if you want to add an electronic signature, you can do it using this tool as well.

3. Use the AutoFormat

Another simple way of creating a signature line in Word is using AutoFormat service. All you need to do is to use only one symbol on the keyboard, and the line will appear. The signer can add the signature later, no matter whether it is electronic or handwritten. Here is how to draw a signature in Word using this tool:
  • Open the document and pick the place you want to put the signature line there. Place your mouse cursor;
  • Type the symbols three times;
  • Once it is done, press Enter on the keyboard.
You can pick the line type depending on the symbols you use:
  • Plain horizontal line: hyphens –––
  • Bold horizontal line: underline symbols ___
  • Double line: equal signs ===
  • Dotted line: asterisks ***
  • Wavy line: tildes ~~~
  • Triple line with a bold center: hashtags ###

4. Add Signature Lines with Shapes

You can use Shapes to add the line in Word. This is the method for those who need an advanced version of how to create a signature in Word. Read the instructions:
  • Enter the Insert tab in the Word document. Press the Shapes icon;
  • In the drop-out, the menu picks the first line under the lines group. You will see the cursor turned into the cross;
  • Pick the document where you want to place the line and use the lift click of the mouse with the Shift;
  • Now you can drag the cursor where the line will be. When you have enough length, just let go of the cursor;
  • You may change color via the Shape Styles. You can also add a move with page and text wrapping there.
Creating a line with Shapes in Word

5. Try the Quick Parts

You may use Quick Parts while drawing signature in Word. You have to open the Gallery to create the content. It will also help you to create AutoText, document properties, and signature fields. These parts are also known as the building blocks. You may store images and text there. Follow the next steps:
  • Open the document you need and enter the Insert tab. There you will see the Quick Parts Gallery in the right corner of the toolbar;
  • Press the building blocks organizer so the signature block appears in AutoText;
  • Press the AutoText to add the textbox where you can use the signature in the file. You may pick the Document Property to include dates, names, comments you want, and email addresses. If you need, you can edit everything later.

How to Create a Signature in Word

You can easily add the signature line using the methods described above. As you can notice, it is simple and understandable for anyone. Yet, if you want to create your own signature there, this is a whole new process, and you have to follow the next steps.

1. Use the Signature Fillable Field

You have to use the fillable field for the signature you want to make. If you want a legal signature, you need to have a security certificate. For those who don’t have it, Word offers to sell one from any Microsoft Partner of your choice. If you don’t want to buy it, you can use a third-party tool that provides digital certificates. You will find numerous options online. Once you install it, you can create your certificate name. Press OK when you enter the name. After it is ready, just click on the signature line 2 times. You will see the new box where you can pick Select Image.
Adding a Signature in Word using fillable field

2. Draw a Signature in Word

If you don’t want to scan and upload an image of your signature, you can create it. If you don’t want to use other third parties to do this, you may try to draw a signature inside the document. This is when you will need the Scribble tool from Microsoft Word. There is only one thing you have to keep in mind – this tool does not make the signature automatically legitimate. You still need to go through certification.

Moreover, it is not the safest method if you have concerns about the security of your data. Yet, this tool is simple to use, and you can put the signature whenever you need it afterward. Here is the step-by-step instruction:
  • Press the Insert tab in the doc’s ribbon;
  • Press there the Shapes icon. It is available in the group called Illustrations;
  • Now you can press the button named Scribble in the drop-down menu Shapes under the heading Lines. You can drag the mouse cursor over to see the pop-up Scribble name;
  • Now, click on the area of the page where you want to write the signature. Move the cursor and draw it. When you release it, it will turn into a steady shape. It is better not to release the cursor while you are drawing.

3. Insert an Image

If you don’t want to use Scribble and prefer to draw your signature, you may try a program like eSign. This third party helps you create the signature, saves it as an image in the .svg format, and just adds it to the document you need. You may simply add your signature’s image after scanning it from the paper document. Yet, this program is fast and simple. Follow the next steps:
  • Enter the eSign page, and you will see the big empty space in front of you;
  • Pick the appropriate color and size of the letters at the left upper corner of the panel above the empty space;
  • Start drawing your signature. If you don’t like what you receive, click the Undo button in the upper panel. You will come back to the previous move. You can click undo as much as you like;
  • Once you understand that your signature looks perfect, just click the Download button. You can choose the place where you want to save it.
Add a signature as an image in Word
After you have saved the image on your device, you can insert it into a document. You will need a PDF or program like PDFLiner for this. Once your document is ready or you uploaded the one from the computer, just click eSign PDF. You will see the feature allowing you to download the doc. You will see there is a button Add Sign. You have to press it to add a signature to the document.

Pick the place you need, and if you want, you can change the size. Once everything is done, don’t forget to click the Save button. If you save the signature as an image, you can add it to the Word document by choosing the Insert Image on the toolbar. Yet, the best way to keep a high level of security is to convert your Word document into PDF.

4. Try eSignature Services

You don’t have to leave your signature in the Word document since it does not have a high-security level. PDF documents, on the other hand, have a high level of security, plus they were made specifically for business documents and important agreements. Most likely, you will find out that your business partners all work in PDF. There you will be able to create or upload your signature that will be recognizable to authorities.

You may use specific tools to create e-signatures. There are multiple services on the market. One of the most popular is Sign PDF from PDFLiner. Once you convert your document into PDF, upload it into the program. Here is what you have to do:
  • Enter the Sign PDF page and choose whether you want to Upload the Document or Enter the URL of the Document;
  • If you want to Upload it, press the big blue button and select the document on your device;
  • It will send you the document when the downloading is over;
  • On the upper panel, there is a sign Add Sign. Press it;
  • Pick one of 3 options: type, draw, or upload. You will be able either draw or type your name or upload the already existing signature;
  • Use the tools that the program offers you to edit the signature, changing the width, font, color, and style;
  • Once everything is done, don’t forget to save the document.
Sign PDF Main Page

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out the most popular questions about signatures in Word documents. You may find helpful information in the answers.
Is it safe to sign a Word document?
You can choose the best way to increase the safety of the Word document. However, PDF documents are safer since you can use encryption and even time stamps so no one can copy them. Using Word does not provide you with the same safety level. Yet, you can always convert the document that exists from Word to PDF.
Why does my Word not have a signature line option?
You have to go to the upper menu. Pick the Insert in the bar. There will be a drop-down menu with numerous goods you can insert into the document. You have to pick a Signature Line. Your next move will be to press Add Signature Services. The line will appear.
How do I create an automatic signature in Word?
You have to follow the step-by-step recommendations above. There are 5 different ways to add your signature in Word. Choose one of them and learn how to do it.